Results for 'José Mata Gavidia'

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  1. Historiografía.José Mata Gavidia - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41:165-174.
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    La implantación de las formas artísticas romanas en Colonia Patricia Corduba, capital de la Bética.José Antonio Garriguet Mata - 2000 - Arbor 166 (654):157-174.
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    Multiclass Classification Procedure for Detecting Attacks on MQTT-IoT Protocol.Hector Alaiz-Moreton, Jose Aveleira-Mata, Jorge Ondicol-Garcia, Angel Luis Muñoz-Castañeda, Isaías García & Carmen Benavides - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
    The large number of sensors and actuators that make up the Internet of Things obliges these systems to use diverse technologies and protocols. This means that IoT networks are more heterogeneous than traditional networks. This gives rise to new challenges in cybersecurity to protect these systems and devices which are characterized by being connected continuously to the Internet. Intrusion detection systems are used to protect IoT systems from the various anomalies and attacks at the network level. Intrusion Detection Systems can (...)
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    Skewness seeking: risk loving, optimism or overweighting of small probabilities?Thomas Åstebro, José Mata & Luís Santos-Pinto - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (2):189-208.
    In a controlled laboratory experiment we use one sample of college students and one of mature executives to investigate how positive skew influences risky choices. In reduced-form regressions we find that both students and executives make riskier choices when lotteries display positive skew. We estimate decision models to explore three explanations for skew seeking choices: risk-loving, optimism and likelihood insensitivity. We find no role for love for risk as neither students nor executives have convex utility. Both optimism and likelihood insensitivity (...)
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    Book reviews: Valentin A. Bazhanov, “n.A. Vasil'ev and his imaginary logic”, kanon+, reabilitatsiia, moscow, 2009, 240 pp., isbn 9785883731968. [REVIEW]José Veríssimo Teixeira da Mata - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (1):131-135.
    BOOK REVIEWS: Valentin A. Bazhanov, “N.A. Vasil’ev and his Imaginary Logic”, Kanon+, Reabilitatsiia, Moscow, 2009, 240 pp., ISBN 9785883731968.
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    Construção Do Olhar Sobre o Jornalismo.Anabela Lopes, Cláudia Silvestre & María José Mata - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-14.
    La perspectiva de los futuros periodistas sobre la profesión es importante para una evaluación crítica de la forma en que la academia, en sus cursos de comunicación/ periodismo, los prepara.Los resultados de una encuesta a estudiantes de pregrado y maestría en comunicación/periodismo, de 11 instituciones de educación superior portuguesas, apuntan a un desajuste entre las percepciones sobre el periodismo actual y las expectativas futuras, lo que nos llevó a reflexionar sobre el papel de las instituciones educativas, que parecen más como (...)
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    Beta Hebbian Learning for intrusion detection in networks with MQTT Protocols for IoT devices.Álvaro Michelena, María Teresa García Ordás, José Aveleira-Mata, David Yeregui Marcos del Blanco, Míriam Timiraos Díaz, Francisco Zayas-Gato, Esteban Jove, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, Héctor Alaiz-Moretón & José Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2):352-365.
    This paper aims to enhance security in IoT device networks through a visual tool that utilizes three projection techniques, including Beta Hebbian Learning (BHL), t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) and ISOMAP, in order to facilitate the identification of network attacks by human experts. This work research begins with the creation of a testing environment with IoT devices and web clients, simulating attacks over Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) for recording all relevant traffic information. The unsupervised algorithms chosen provide a set (...)
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    Detecting heterogeneous risk attitudes with mixed gambles.Luís Santos-Pinto, Adrian Bruhin, José Mata & Thomas Åstebro - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (4):573-600.
    We propose a task for eliciting attitudes toward risk that is close to real-world risky decisions which typically involve gains and losses. The task consists of accepting or rejecting gambles that provide a gain with probability p\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$p$$\end{document} and a loss with probability 1-p\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$1-p$$\end{document}. We employ finite mixture models to uncover heterogeneity in risk preferences and find that behavior is heterogeneous, with one half (...)
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    Clustering techniques performance comparison for predicting the battery state of charge: A hybrid model approach.María Teresa Ordás, David Yeregui Marcos del Blanco, José Aveleira-Mata, Francisco Zayas-Gato, Esteban Jove, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, José Luis Calvo-Rolle & Héctor Alaiz-Moreton - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (4):712-728.
    Batteries are a fundamental storage component due to its various applications in mobility, renewable energies and consumer electronics among others. Regardless of the battery typology, one key variable from a user’s perspective is the remaining energy in the battery. It is usually presented as the percentage of remaining energy compared to the total energy that can be stored and is labeled State Of Charge (SOC). This work addresses the development of a hybrid model based on a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) (...)
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    Brain responses to disgusting and fearful pictures with and without high spatial frequencies.Ruiz-Padial Elisabeth, Mendoza M. Teresa, Esteves Francisco & Mata-Martin Jose Luis - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Influence of autoencoder latent space on classifying IoT CoAP attacks.María Teresa García-Ordás, Jose Aveleira-Mata, Isaías García-Rodrígez, José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Martín Bayón-Gutiérrez & Héctor Alaiz-Moretón - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) presents a unique cybersecurity challenge due to its vast network of interconnected, resource-constrained devices. These vulnerabilities not only threaten data integrity but also the overall functionality of IoT systems. This study addresses these challenges by exploring efficient data reduction techniques within a model-based intrusion detection system (IDS) for IoT environments. Specifically, the study explores the efficacy of an autoencoder’s latent space combined with three different classification techniques. Utilizing a validated IoT dataset, particularly focusing on the (...)
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    Tonic Immobility in PTSD: Exacerbation of Emotional Cardiac Defense Response.Carlos Eduardo Norte, Eliane Volchan, Jaime Vila, Jose Luis Mata, Javier R. Arbol, Mauro Mendlowicz, William Berger, Mariana Pires Luz, Vanessa Rocha-Rego, Ivan Figueira & Gabriela Guerra Leal de Souza - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    LOMBARDI, José Claudinei. Educação e Ensino na Obra de Marx e Engels. Campinas: Editora Alínea, 2011. 265 p. [REVIEW]Vilson Aparecido da Mata - 2013 - Educação E Filosofia 27 (53):383-392.
    O presente texto é uma resenha da recente obra de José Claudinei Lombardi a respeito da Educação e do Ensino na Obra de Marx e Engels. A resenha intenta contribuir para a divulgação das reflexões a respeito do papel que ocupa a educação na obra de Marx e Engels, seu desvelamento, esclarecimento e sua relação com a educação na atualidade. O livro Educação e ensino na obra de Marx e Engels é a publicação de uma parte da tese de (...)
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  14. La danza de la marioneta y el autómata : apuntes para la reflexión acerca de la tecnología.José A. Gómez Di Vincenzo - 2018 - In Héctor A. Palma (ed.), Conexiones y fronteras: desafíos filosóficos de las ciencias sociales en el siglo XXI. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Jacinto CHOZA, La moral originaria: la religión neolítica. Sevilla, Thémata, 2017, 335 pp. [REVIEW]José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2020 - Isidorianum 26 (51-52):422-423.
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    O MOBON, a política e a imprensa: notas sobre religião e política em Minas Gerais (The MOBON, the politics and the press: comments on religion and politics in Minas Gerais) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2009v7n14p170. [REVIEW]Fabrício Roberto Costa Oliveira & Arnaldo José Zangelmi - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):170-186.
    Resumo A proposta deste artigo é apresentar parte do processo de formação do MOBON (Movimento da Boa Nova) e as idéias que o nortearam na década de 1980, bem como a influência do trabalho de mediação realizado por ele na Zona da Mata mineira. Este movimento se mostrou importante para a expressiva votação de candidatos do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) naquela região. Tal fato chamou a atenção da imprensa nacional em função do trabalho de mediação religiosa na conformação da (...)
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    On Salvadoran identity as exile.Rafael Lara Martínez - 2023 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (32):11-66.
    De la identidad literaria salvadoreña como exilio, se examina la obra clásica de nueve autores. Al aplicar una perspectiva psicoanalítica, el ensayo toma como punto de partida una tarjeta que Roque Dalton envió desde Cuba a una amante lejana en El Salvador. La escritura establece la deuda y la memoria como principios rectores para recuperar el pasado. Un compromiso subjetivo con el objeto del amor perdido la patria y la amante dicta el movimiento de la inscripción poética. Esta ausencia del (...)
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  18. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    Nivel de conocimientos de salud de los escolares del quinto año de secundaria en Lima, Perú.Joseph Jesús Sánchez Gavidia, Oliver Rúa Fernandez, Nicky Castillo Córdova & Gladys Peralta Cáceres - 2018 - Cultura 32:367-379.
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    Scepticism and Reliable Belief.José L. Zalabardo - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Reliabilist accounts of knowledge are widely seen as having the resources for blocking sceptical arguments, since these arguments appear to rely on assumptions about the nature of knowledge that are rendered illegitimate by reliabilist accounts. The goal of this book is to assess the main arguments against the possibility of knowledge, and its conclusions challenge this consensus. The book articulates and defends a theory of knowledge that belongs firmly in the truth-tracking tradition, and argues that although the theory has the (...)
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    Beyond natural geometry: on the nature of proto-geometry.José Ferreirós & Manuel J. García-Pérez - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (2):181-205.
    ABSTRACTWe discuss the thesis of universality of geometric notions and offer critical reflections on the concept of “natural geometry” employed by Spelke and others. Promoting interdisciplinary wor...
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  22. Peacocke's Argument Against the Autonomy of Nonconceptual Representational Content.José Luis Bermúdez - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (4):402-418.
  23. Delusion and double bookkeeping.José Eduardo Porcher - 2024 - In Ema Sullivan-Bissett (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Delusion. Routledge. pp. 202-214.
    This chapter connects the phenomenon of double bookkeeping to two critical debates in the philosophy of delusion: one from the analytic tradition and one from the phenomenological tradition. First, I will show how the failure of action guidance on the part of some delusions suggests an argument to the standard view that delusions are beliefs (doxasticism about delusion) and how its proponents have countered it by ascribing behavioral inertia to avolition, emotional disturbances, or a failure of the surrounding environment in (...)
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    Aesthetics of resistance: reimagining critical philosophy with María del Rosario Acosta López’s grammars of listening.José Medina - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:155-165.
    This paper analyzes the innovative way of doing critical philosophy that María del Rosario Acosta López proposes in her aesthetics of resistance and grammars of the unheard. The paper examines the contributions of two sets of conversations with Acosta López’s critical philosophy. In the first place, staging a dialogue between Acosta López and Black feminist philosophy, the article offers a defence of reconceptualizing philosophy in the 21st Century through a dialogue with the voices and perspectives of the excluded and silenced—a (...)
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    Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index.Leire San-Jose, Jose Luis Retolaza & Jorge Gutierrez-Goiria - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):151 - 173.
    This article studies the differences between traditional financial intermediaries (commercial banks, savings banks and cooperative banks) and ethical banks based on property rights, in which the owner decides the ideology, principles, standards and objectives of the organisation. In ethical banking, affinity centres on positive social and ethical values. The article consequendy focuses on an index proposed both to differentiate ethical banks from other types of banks, and also to pinpoint the differences between the various ethical banks themselves.This is the Radical (...)
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    Epistemic Activism and the Politics of Credibility.José Medina & Matt S. Whitt - 2021 - In Heidi Elizabeth Grasswick & Nancy Arden McHugh (eds.), Making the Case: Feminist and Critical Race Philosophers Engage Case Studies. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 293-324.
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  27. The Unity of Apperception in the Critique of Pure Reason.José Luis Bermúdez - 1994 - European Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):213-240.
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    Diccionario de Filosofía.José Ferrater Mora - 1944 - D. F. Editorial Atlante, S.A.
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    Robert Kilwardby.José Filipe Silva - 2012 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:1-35.
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    Religiosidad popular y pluralismo ideológico. Significaciones religiosas y políticas en torno a la Semana Santa de Huelva.José Carlos Mancha Castro - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e88770.
    En este artículo se analiza la relación entre el proceso de laicización o secularización de lo religioso y el crecimiento de los rituales de religiosidad popular en el contexto de las sociedades modernas contemporáneas a partir de un análisis etnográfico del ritual de la Semana Santa de la ciudad de Huelva. Haciendo uso de una metodología etnográfica de corte cualitativo, imbricada con técnicas de investigación cuantitativas de carácter sociológico, ponemos sobre análisis las significaciones religiosas e ideológico políticas de actores que (...)
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    Deductive predictions.José Alberto Coffa - 1968 - Philosophy of Science 35 (3):279-283.
    According to Hempel, all scientific explanations and predictions which are produced exclusively with deterministic laws must be deductive, in the sense that the explanandum or the prediction must be a logical consequence of the laws and the initial conditions in the explanans. This deducibility thesis has been attacked from several quarters. Some time ago Canfield and Lehrer presented a “refutation” of DT as applied to predictions, in which they tried to prove that “if the deductive reconstruction [DT for predictions] were (...)
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  32. Struggle Is Real: The Experiences and Challenges Faced by Filipino Tertiary Students on Lack of Gadgets Amidst the Online Learning.Janelle Jose, Kristian Lloyd Miguel P. Juan, John Patrick Tabiliran, Franz Cedrick Yapo, Jonadel Gatchalian, Melanie Kyle Baluyot, Ken Andrei Torrero, Jayra Blanco & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):174-181.
    Education is essential to life, and the epidemic affected everything. Parents want to get their kids the most important teaching. However, since COVID-19 has affected schools and other institutions, providing education has become the most significant issue. Online learning pedagogy uses technology to provide high-quality learning environments for student-centered learning. Further, this study explores the experiences and challenges faced by Filipino tertiary students regarding the lack of gadgets amidst online learning. Employing the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the findings of this study (...)
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    Verification and Inferentialism in Wittgenstein's Philosophy.José Medina - 2001 - Philosophical Investigations 24 (4):304-313.
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    Confidence intervals and tests are two sides of the same research question.Jose D. Perezgonzalez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Reviewing imagery in resemblance and non-resemblance metaphors.José Manuel Ureña & Pamela Faber - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (1):123-149.
    This article analyses the nature of mental imagery in metaphoric thought as envisaged by the contemporary theory of metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics (Lakoff, Cambridge University Press, 1993). Our study of metaphor in the field of marine biology draws on two crucial aspects of mental imagery, namely dynamicity and pervasiveness. Image metaphors and behaviour-based metaphors have generally been regarded as two different types of resemblance metaphor. In our view, the dynamicity of certain mental images highlights inherent similarities between these two types (...)
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    Educating Responsible Managers. The Role of University Ethos.José-Félix Lozano - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (3):213-226.
    The current economic crisis is forcing us to reflect on where we have gone wrong in recent years. In the search for responsibilities some have looked to Business Schools and Administration Departments. It is surprising that this situation has come about despite the fact that Business Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility have been taught in business schools for years. Without wanting to place all the blame on higher education institutions, but from a critical perspective and assuming responsibility, we believe it (...)
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  37. Indistinguishable elements and mathematical structuralism.José Bermúdez - 2007 - Analysis 67 (2):112-116.
    The existence of structures with non-trivial authomorphisms (such as the automorphism of the field of complex numbers onto itself that swaps the two roots of – 1) has been held by Burgess and others to pose a serious difficulty for mathematical structuralism. This paper proposes a model-theoretic solution to the problem. It suggests that mathematical structuralists identify the “position” of an n-tuple in a mathematical structure with the type of that n-tuple in the expansion of the structure that has a (...)
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    Heidegger y la prudencia aristotélica como protofenomenología.José Manuel Chillón - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (169):133-152.
    La comprensión aristotélica de la prudencia constituye un antecedente fundamental para entender el giro hermenéutico de la fenomenología heideggeriana. Se examina cómo la interpretación fenomenológica de Heidegger sobre esta virtud dianoética puede entenderse si se consideran a cuatro aspectos: la prioridad de la praxis respecto de los saberes teóricos, el reconocimiento de un horizonte de verdad más amplio que la verdad proposicional del logos apophantikos, el valor del instante kairológico en el que discurre la acción humana y el anticipo de (...)
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    Libertad, Objeto Práctico y Acción: La Facultad Del Juicio En la Filosofía Moral de Kant: Appendix, The Three-Fold Function of the Faculty of Judgement in Kant's Ethics--Typik, Moral Judgement and Conscience.José María Torralba - 2009 - Hildesheim: G. Olms.
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    The role of language comprehension in reasoning: How “good-enough” representations induce biases.André Mata, Anna-Lena Schubert & Mário B. Ferreira - 2014 - Cognition 133 (2):457-463.
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    In defense of pragmatic contextualism: Wittgenstein and Dewey on meaning and agreement.Jose Medina - 2004 - Philosophical Forum 35 (3):341–369.
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    Wahnsinn und Wissen: zu Wittgensteins Lage und Denkbewegung.José María Ariso - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Compatible operations on commutative residuated lattices.José Luis Castiglioni, Matías Menni & Marta Sagastume - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (4):413-425.
    Let L be a commutative residuated lattice and let f : Lk → L a function. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for f to be compatible with respect to every congruence on L. We use this characterization of compatible functions in order to prove that the variety of commutative residuated lattices is locally affine complete. Then, we find conditions on a not necessarily polynomial function P(x, y) in L that imply that the function x ↦ min{y є L (...)
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  44. Wittgenstein on Rules. Justification, Grammar, and Agreement, by James R. Shaw.José L. Zalabardo - forthcoming - Mind.
    James Shaw has written an excellent book on Wittgenstein’s rule-following considerations. It manages to provide fresh perspectives on a topic on which it seemed.
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    Hegel on Spinozism and the Beginning of Philosophy.José María Sánchez Serrano - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 548–556.
    Hegel's main criticisms of Spinoza are well‐known both among Spinoza and Hegel scholars. The role of Spinozism in Hegel's conception of philosophy turns out to be significantly more crucial than the rest of philosophies. This chapter argues that Spinoza's acosmism constitutes for Hegel the necessary condition for the rise and development of philosophy, and hence for the realization of human freedom, insofar as philosophy is the highest form of human freedom. It outlines the general conception of philosophy behind Hegel's statement (...)
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    Conflict detection and social perception: bringing meta-reasoning and social cognition together.André Mata - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (1):140-149.
    Research on implicit conflict detection suggests that people are sensitive to violations of logical principles. When they make reasoning errors, their epistemic radar presumably detects an anomaly....
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    Reason and Nature: Essays in the Theory of Rationality.José Luis Bermúdez & Alan Millar (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Reason and Nature investigates the norms of reason--the standards which contribute to determining whether beliefs, inferences, and actions are rational. Nine philosophers and two psychologists discuss what kinds of things these norms are, how they can be situated within the natural world, and what role they play in the psychological explanation of belief and action. Current work in the theory of rationality is subject to very diverse influences ranging from experimental and theoretical psychology, through philosophy of logic and language, to (...)
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    Dark times for cosmopolitanism? An ethical framework to address private agri-food governance and planetary stewardship.Jose M. Alcaraz, Francisco Tirado & Ana Gálvez - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):697-715.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    On the Early History of `Ontology'.Jose Ferrater Mora - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (1):36-47.
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    Expanding community, vitality and what is permissible: African cultural knowledge and Afro-Caribbean religions in bioethical discourses of euthanasia.Jarrel De Matas, Ginika Oguagha & Francis H. H. Amuzu - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Although Kirk Lougheed recognises the need to integrate diverse frameworks into its predominantly Anglo-American tradition,1 his argument contains a limited understanding of vital force as well as a restricted view of communal relationships. We therefore suggest a broader framework for understanding vitality, community and what is permissible by emphasising how African beliefs by the Akan, advance care directives and Afro-Caribbean religious practice such as Santería expand perspectives within global bioethics and thus encourage more inclusive approaches to addressing bioethical dilemmas. For (...)
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